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Where did our story begin?

From a 3 people team to a family of hundred people

In 2004, the story of Sabaidea started from a small porch with three young people who had nothing except knowledge and hope. The gradual widespread of the Internet and provision of the infrastructure to provide Internet-based services directed and motivated our small team. Since the beginning, we knew that our path was difficult and uneven; so we learned to work in a good team with hope.

We experienced a lot of failures and successes, so now we have sweet and bitter memories but today we can be proud of our products and more for our family consisting of several hundred people.

History of Sabaidea Services

15 years on progress path

  • Sabavision establishment

  • Aparat establishment

  • Filimo launch

  • Investing in Cinematicket

  • Filimoschool launch

Vision icon


Creating the best user experience and added value in the technology-based businesses
Mission icon


Offering sustainable and valuable technological services based on popular platforms
Values icons


  • Optimism and ambition
  • Diligent and team spirit
  • Explicit and fairness
  • Doing the right job
Targets icon


  • Quality and popular services
  • Agile with a friendly atmosphere
  • Maximum added value
  • Active presence in the international arena

Benefits of working at SabaIdea

From a three-member team to a several hundred members family



We have a selection of wonderful books in our library which our employees can borrow and enjoy reading them.
Proximity to public transportation

Proximity to public transportation

Our office is located in a perfect spot and is accessible easily via public transportation.


Our excellent chefs make you wonderful and diverse meals throughout the week. You can have your lunch alongside your colleagues in our dining hall.


Our employees can start their day with a free breakfast meal alongside their colleagues.
Remote working

Remote working

In a crowded city like Tehran, we are happy that some of our employees can work remotely.
Flexible working hours

Flexible working hours

Our office is open 24 hours and our employees can work whenever they want.
Performance-based Bonuses

Performance-based Bonuses

Our employees will have bonuses alongside their regular wages based on their performance.
Birthday celebrations

Birthday celebrations

A happy birthday wish and a cool gift for our employees on their birthday to remind them how much we value them.
Welfare facilities

Welfare facilities

From loans and offers to occasional gifts, we always try to look out for our employees, because we are a family and we care about our family.
Team camp

Team camp

Our teams go camping together twice a year. Our company will cover all the costs too.
Sport facilities

Sport facilities

We have made deals with multiple sport facilities and cover a big part of the costs if our employees decide to use them.
Health insurance

Health insurance

We always wish our employees to be healthy, but in case of need, health insurance will help them to get the best medical care.

Life in Sabaidea

From the corners of our lovely memories and collective events

Group Trip

Twice a year we travel with members of our group to refine our minds

Half for me, half for you!

It is so miserable to be happy alone!

Tech burger

Restaurant management experience of technical team

SabaIdea in the Press

We take pride in your support

Saba vision management: Seda Sima Broadcasting is the major violator of Satra advertising instructions

. The organization under the supervision of Seda Sima broadcasting has announced that this instruction seeks to solve advertising challenges, including publishment of the misleading and unproper information in advertising content, threats to children's health, disruption in the user experience, and unfair increases in user costs.

CEO of Sabavision and Deputy CEO of Sabaidea Holding: Sabavision, Yektanet and Mediaad were linked together in pay-per-click advertisement

Advertising is the forerunner factor in all businesses. Just learn how it works, and you will make the most out of your business. Up until a few years ago businesses mostly relied on traditional and print advertising, but today digital advertising in cyberspace is their primary choice. 

"Filimo Madrese" is the most advanced product of "Sabaideh" holding

The school will train the first to ninth grades using the approach of "transforming and qualifying of education" and according to the titles of textbooks. On the other hand, Filimo School has principles including the "pleasure of learning" and "educational justice" at its motto to stick it.

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