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The beginning of our story

From a three-member team to a family of hundreds

"Once upon a time", this sentence is the only common aspect between our story and legends and fairytales. This is because we did not find a magic lamp with a wish-granting Genie in it to fulfill our dreams in the blink of an eye. Our story began from a small and pleasant porch, with a group of three who did not have either a magic lamp or a belief in its existence. It was the early 2000's and three youths had big goals in their minds. In those days, home internet was a new phenomenon in people's lives. Gradually, the necessary infrastructure for providing internet services was being provided. During this environment, our interest in creating good Internet services motivated us: PersianK2. It was the very first step that our small team took towards its big goals, but first steps are sometimes not successful. Despite our efforts, the bad reception of PersianK2 as an online survey and market research site resulted into the failure of the service. Therefore, we took the second step firmer: Cloob. It was one of the first Internet platforms that provided Iranian users the meaning of social networks. Cloob allowed users to create their own profile and share their own thoughts, believes and content with their friends. At that time, Cloob was one of the most successful and widely used Internet services. Now, our team was bigger than before and we need a more powerful source of income for our new projects. We tried harder that in those days, Sabavision started its operation with the goal of creating maximum benefits for users; now with more than 10-year experience, it is one of the main brands in Iranian Internet-based advertising.

  • Launching a new service for kids in Aparat

    Launching a new service for kids in Aparat

  • Launching Live Plus service

    Launching Live Plus service

  • Producing 30 exclusive contents for Filimo

    Producing 30 exclusive contents for Filimo

  • Launching online education service in Filimoschool

    Launching online education service in Filimoschool

  • Filimo Box comes to the market

    Filimo Box comes to the market

  • Aparat is ranked among top 50 sites in the world

    Aparat is ranked among top 50 sites in the world

  • Complete ownership of Cinematickets

    Complete ownership of Cinematickets

  • Celebrating SabaIdea's 15th birthday

    Celebrating SabaIdea's 15th birthday

  • Launching V-Plus advertising platform

    Launching V-Plus advertising platform

  • The Amin al-Zarb Award was given to the CEO of SabaIdea

    The Amin al-Zarb Award was given to the CEO of SabaIdea

  • The second celebration ceremony of content producers on Aparat with more than 250 teams

    The second celebration ceremony of content producers on Aparat with more than 250 teams

  • Invest in an advertising platform named Showrand

    Invest in an advertising platform named Showrand

  • First Filimo series produced

    First Filimo series produced

  • More than 20,000,000 video views on Aparat daily

    More than 20,000,000 video views on Aparat daily

  • Sports Aparat introduced

    Sports Aparat introduced

  • Filimo Android version of TV introduced

    Filimo Android version of TV introduced

  • Live broadcasting service on Aparat

    Live broadcasting service on Aparat

  • First Aparat content creators celebration

    First Aparat content creators celebration

  • We entered to the field of cinema by investing in Cinematickets

    We entered to the field of cinema by investing in Cinematickets

  • "SabaIdea" among top 50 startups selected by Google's Startup Grind

  • Redesigning Sabavision in the form of a professional digital advertising agency and providing creative solutions

    Redesigning Sabavision in the form of a professional digital advertising agency and providing creative solutions

  • Full coverage of Fajr Film Festival

    Full coverage of Fajr Film Festival

  • Supporting original content producers on Aparat (begins with night vision program)

    Supporting original content producers on Aparat (begins with night vision program)

  • Filimo application introduced

    Filimo application introduced

  • Aparatkids application introduced

    Aparatkids application introduced

  • Launching PPC platform with a progressive approach

    Launching PPC platform with a progressive approach

  • Filimo started its operation.

    Filimo started its operation.

  • Aparatkids started its operation.

    Aparatkids started its operation.

  • Aparat had more than 4,000,000 video views daily

    Aparat had more than 4,000,000 video views daily

  • Holding biggest national talent search contest on Aparat named The Incredible

    Holding biggest national talent search contest on Aparat named The Incredible

  • Logo of Aparat changed

    Logo of Aparat changed

  • Rebranding of Saba Advertising Agency into Sabavision

    Rebranding of Saba Advertising Agency into Sabavision

  • Showing important events such as the World Cup on Aparat

    Showing important events such as the World Cup on Aparat

  • Redesigning Cloob Interface

    Redesigning Cloob Interface

  • Video marketing ads came to Aparat

    Video marketing ads came to Aparat

  • Redesigning Aparat interface

    Redesigning Aparat interface

  • More than 1,000,000 daily visits for Aparat

    More than 1,000,000 daily visits for Aparat

  • Expanding SabaIdea work environment

    Expanding SabaIdea work environment

  • Redesign the interface of Mihanblog

    Redesign the interface of Mihanblog

  • Releasing Aparat application

    Releasing Aparat application

  • Cooperation with more than 100 major brands in the field of digital advertising

    Cooperation with more than 100 major brands in the field of digital advertising

  • The beginning of Aparat

    The beginning of Aparat

  • Creating a new work environment

    Creating a new work environment

  • Buying Mihanblog

    Buying Mihanblog

  • Saba Digital Advertising Agency started its operations

    Saba Digital Advertising Agency started its operations

  •  First order for online advertising was done for 40$

    First order for online advertising was done for 40$

  • Launching Cloob

    Launching Cloob